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You can help the most vulnerable during Covid-19

Ministry at Heart of the Bride has not stopped because of Covid-19, in fact, in many places it has intensified.  Even as we work from home in the US with our kids on lock down doing school online, every country where HOB operates has confirmed cases of Covid-19 and are on various levels of lock down as well.  This doesn’t mean that our missionaries and partners are getting a break, in fact, it means that they are working even harder to reach those they are called to reach.  Here is a summary of what’s being done during this crisis.

Around the world

In Zambia, all of our kids are on lock down on our property.  And I mean all. Even the college and trade school students are home to wait this thing out as well as all of our missionaries and residential staff.  That means there are many to take care of.  In addition, our missionaries are keeping a watch on the street kids in case the virus hits them.  We pray that it doesn’t but we need to be ready in case it does.

Our schools in Kenya and India can’t operate but our partners know how much the students depend on the meals they receive daily and their families are in greater need as food supply chains are cut off and food becomes more scarce.  In response, our Indian partners are putting together food and hygiene kits.  They’d like to supply the physical needs of the families while also giving them the tools and knowledge they need to fight the virus.  Our Kenyan partner is stuck in Nairobi, unable to get home, because of the 21 day lock down there.  But she is also unstoppable.  She is working through a network of people to get food to the students and families of our students.

You can help them
What you give to HOB today will help provide food, shelter, hygiene, and education to those who need it most in areas struggling because of Covid-19.

Donate Here to Help!

And now your gift to Heart of the Bride will result in increased charitable deductions thanks to the recently passed stimulus package.  You can learn more about the CARES Act here

Brian Crisman
Executive Director